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Video: SD6ZR7_8Fzs

October 2013 to February 2014

Title[東方 /Vocal/ Arrange] Urushi - 次発 ワタシ37号
Description[Title] - 次発 ワタシ37号
[Author/Circle] - Hull, Vocal: Urushi / VAGUEDGE
[Album] - 東方夢叶幻想日記
[Event/Date] - Touhou Kouroumu 5 (Oct 11, 2009)
[Original] - Hiroshige no.36 ~ Neo-Super Express
[Original CD] - Retrospective 53 Minutes

Will you lift a studio applause for today's venue - a vocal arrange!

I'll be the first to admit that for someone who has (even if arbitrarily) taken to share a wide spectrum of genres for the most part vocals in my channel are quite seldom. This is because I mostly skedaddle over anything vocal nowadays. I used to be a lot into those before I realized I had some gripe regarding anything to hold the combined might of vocals and Touhou. You don't need to think about it but I get the feeling that most of the vocals usually cater to an environment rather than audio per se. I mean honestly, a big chunk if not most of the shovelware ongaku in Touhou these days are vocal-esque albums or simply an EP or something little to call a release. You could argue that maybe vocals are the least technical interpretation of music and I will grant you that, if people want to fool around it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to spew out a string of mildly coherent words. Most of us don't even understand moonrunes for all the matters. Many of these vocals seem to depict some extension to the world of Touhou itself rather than music. Don't get me wrong, I just think that for what this is truly worth the value of these vocals, topped along with the fact barely anyone can understand what they mutter on about, intel that you must know the series for the games and its environment than what could be music in its own right. Not to mention that most of the overused themes do also stem from these tracks so that just adds to the doldrum.

For all intended purposes though, I'm not gonna pry into that, just putting out there why I barely get any vocals up. The world of ongaku with vocals... not exactly a majestic grandeur in and off itself.

Regardless, this arrange actually makes my inner clean-vocals aristocrat quite fancy and full of fancifulness. Actually the first time I skimmed through this release I had my eyes out on the off-vocal version first, until I realized that most of the meat and potato of this arrange is in urushi herself. After all, the tune we all recognize is actually sung, whereas the arrangement with the VSTis and family and infamy is a very unfaithful rendition of this theme, like, with loads of tempo shifts, weird stabs and stuff. So, in the interest of tending to the vocal population here, here's something pretty pleasant all the way through, naturally, with a touch of Sealing Club.

I swear to god these two are the absolute best. Did you know why did girls wear hats in feudal japan? Yeah, neither do I. Please be weary though. Don't want to mix contemporary japan with feudal stuff out of the flying mole hill like I just did, ok? Ok. Agreeing with nothing in particular and just saying ok a whole lot until a statement is made.

Also someone was asking for download links in some early videos. Actually possibly plurals of you. Yeah your face is stupid. What did I tell you about reading, at least, my channel description. I mean, I have no beefs about piracy whatsoever and I encourage you to do it so as to keep an open source hivemind alive these days or something but seriously? Are you serious? You're telling me that you're being serious. Yes apparently, you're serious.