ScarletDevil.orgYouTube Metadata ArchiveVideo:
Title | 東方 Touhou Techno/Trance 32 |
Channel | JeanejeanTou |
Published | 2011-01-01T19:29:50.000Z |
Description | Song Title: Voyage 1969 Circle: dBu music Artist: どぶウサギ Album: 弾奏結界 夢幻夜想曲 Eternal Nocturne Original: ヴォヤージュ1969 Boy a four uploads in a day now thats crazy! Well for this song ヴォヤージュ1969 I never like it. Maybe I still don't... I don't even know? Well this picture is fucking huge! Like a 2926X2786 and that big! Thank for watching. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hop in to the Eirin Express and lets fly to the moon! My god.. I totally ruined the opening of this wall of text.. Seriously! Ahh well, you know whats special about this arranger and circle in general? It was one of my first touhou arranges circles I ever met. Others are IOSYS and UI-70 but thats not the point. I'm a loyal fan of Dobu Usagi, Dobu's stuff is really amazing. I like all of Dobu's albums and most of the arranges. Dobu is one of the top tier circles when it comes to Touhou Arrange circles. For me, atleast. I'm always excited when I hear that Dobu is doing a new album. I'm currently waiting when they are going to release any info about their UFO arrange album, if Dobu decides to do one, which I hope Dobu will, and I'm pretty sure that he/she/it will. Aside from all this.. Dobu Usagi praising, this song really does justice to Voyage 1969. The voice samples somewhere in the middle just fits the song so dam well. I like this arrange in general.. its not AMAZING and EPIC, but I really enjoy it. No doubt about that. Voyage 1969 is probably one of my favourite songs, atleast its not bad. Nononono, its a very fitting stage six theme song. And it's really fitting for the whole Imperishable Night game. I like this arrange and the theme in general. Me likey~ Eirin, well, I have to say, she is one of the most sexiest touhou characters out there. But did you know how hard it is to find good pictures of her? Yeah.. its challenging. But aside that, I kinda like Eirin, well, I usually like stage six bosses. I like their power, I like their charm and they usually are very interesting characters since they are a big part of the story. Well duh.. But anyways, I think Eirin scores pretty high in my top favourite touhou characters.. not so sure, maybe somewhere between 15-30? But thats good enough.. Her danmaku is also pretty intense, I hate her final spellcard tho.. UGHHHHH Well, she is a challenge and I like her for that.. But I like Kaguya more, whatsoever. Time for da finishing words ze~ This song is a fine addition to Lyrica Playlist, and we MAY see more Dobu Usagi, but Dobu usually doesn't do that much technoish stuff, more metallish.. But whatever, Dobu is one of my favourite circles and I will keep being a fan of him/her/it. |