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Video: UUnA2ICIybo

March 2015

Title[Comic Market 81] (minimum electric design) an experiment on dolls ...
Channelblopa lenida
Description(00:00)01.夜中の夜明け(07-06) / Dawn of midnight / Amanecer de medianoche
[ original: The Doll Maker of Bucuresti / El fabricante de muñecas de Bucarest ]
[ 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom ]
[ Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom. ]
[ Sueño Embrujante del Este ~ Cerezo Florecido Perfectamente ]

(2:01)02.幻視の空を駆ける(08-02) / I put a sky of vision / Puse un cielo de la visión
[ original: Illusionary Night ~ Ghostly Eyes / Ilusoria noche ~ fantasmales Ojos ]
[ 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night ]
[ Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night. ]
[ Vignette de la Noche Eterna del Este ~ Noche Imperecible ]

(5:55)03.snowfield(07-03) / 雪原 / campo nevado
[ original: Crystallized Silver / plata cristalizada ]
[ 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom ]
[ Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom. ]
[ Sueño Embrujante del Este ~ Cerezo Florecido Perfectamente ]

(9:14)04.上海迷宮(06-06) / Shanghai Labyrinth / Shanghai Laberinto
[ original: Shanghai Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea / Shanghai Casa de Té ~ té chino ]
[ 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil ]
[ Touhou Koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. ]
[ Tierras del Este del Diablo Escarlata" ~ La Encarnacion del Diablo Escarlata ]

(12:12) experiment on dolls(07-07) / 人形の実験 / un experimento en las muñecas
[ original: Doll Judgment ~ The Girl Who Played with People's Shapes / sentencia de la muñeca ~ La chica que soñaba con las figura de la gente ]
[ 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom ]
[ Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom. ]
[ Sueño Embrujante del Este ~ Cerezo Florecido Perfectamente ]

(15:44)06.Anastasia(12-03) --- --- ---
[ original: A Tiny, Tiny, Clever Commander / Una Pequeña, minúscula, inteligente Comandante ]
[ 東方星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object ]
[ Touhou Seirensen ~ Undefined Fantastic Object ]
[ Barco "Loto-Estrella" del Este ~ Objeto Fantastico Indefinido ]

(19:08)07.ghost & flower(07-13) / ゴースト&フラワー / fantasma y la flor
[ original: Bloom Nobly, Ink-Black Cherry Blossoms ~ Border of Life / Floración Noblemente, tinta - negra Cerezos en flor ~ frontera de la Vida ]
[ 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom ]
[ Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom. ]
[ Sueño Embrujante del Este ~ Cerezo Florecido Perfectamente ]

(23:25)08.八雲/Zero(07-18) --- --- ---
[ original: Necrofantasia ]
[ 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom ]
[ Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom. ]
[ Sueño Embrujante del Este ~ Cerezo Florecido Perfectamente ]

(24:41)09.Kappa Logic 1.11 (10-07) / カッパロジック 1.11 / Kappa lógica 1.11
[ original: Ryuunosuke Akutagawa's "Kappa" ~ Candid Friend / Ryuunosuke Akutagawa's "Kappa" ~ Amiga sincera ]
[ 東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith ]
[ Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith ]
[ Crónicas del Dios del Viento ~ Montaña de la Fe ]

December 2014

Title[Comic Market 81] (minimum electric design) an experiment on dolls ...
Channelblopa lenida
Description(00:00)01.夜中の夜明け(07-06) / Dawn of midnight / Amanecer de medianoche
[ Perfect Cherry Blossom. ]

(2:01)02.幻視の空を駆ける(08-02) / I put a sky of vision / Puse un cielo de la visión
[ Imperishable Night. ]

(5:55)03.snowfield(07-03) / 雪原 / campo nevado
[ Perfect Cherry Blossom. ]

(9:14)04.上海迷宮(06-06) / Shanghai Labyrinth / Shanghai Laberinto
[ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. ]

(12:12) experiment on dolls(07-07) / 人形の実験 / un experimento en las muñecas
[ Perfect Cherry Blossom. ]

(15:44)06.Anastasia(12-03) --- --- ---
[ Undefined Fantastic Object. ]

(19:08)07.ghost & flower(07-13) / ゴースト&フラワー / fantasma y la flor
[ Perfect Cherry Blossom. ]

(23:25)08.八雲/Zero(07-18) --- --- ---
[ Perfect Cherry Blossom. ]

(24:41)09.Kappa Logic 1.11 (10-07) / カッパロジック 1.11 / Kappa lógica 1.11
[ Mountain of Faith. ]

September 2014 to November 2014

Title[Comic Market 81] (minimum electric design) an experiment on dolls
Channelblopa lenida
Description(00:00)01.夜中の夜明け(07-06) / Dawn of midnight / Amanecer de medianoche
[ Perfect Cherry Blossom. ]

(2:01)02.幻視の空を駆ける(08-02) / I put a sky of vision / Puse un cielo de la visión
[ Imperishable Night. ]

(5:55)03.snowfield(07-03) / 雪原 / campo nevado
[ Perfect Cherry Blossom. ]

(9:14)04.上海迷宮(06-06) / Shanghai Labyrinth / Shanghai Laberinto
[ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. ]

(12:12) experiment on dolls(07-07) / 人形の実験 / un experimento en las muñecas
[ Perfect Cherry Blossom. ]

(15:44)06.Anastasia(12-03) --- --- ---
[ Undefined Fantastic Object. ]

(19:08)07.ghost & flower(07-13) / ゴースト&フラワー / fantasma y la flor
[ Perfect Cherry Blossom. ]

(23:25)08.八雲/Zero(07-18) --- --- ---
[ Perfect Cherry Blossom. ]

(24:41)09.Kappa Logic 1.11 (10-07) / カッパロジック 1.11 / Kappa lógica 1.11
[ Mountain of Faith. ]

April 2014 to August 2014

Title(C81) [minimum electric design] an experiment on dolls
Channelblopa lenida
Description01.夜中の夜明け(07-06) / 02.幻視の空を駆ける(08-02) / 03.snowfield(07-03) / 04.上海迷宮(06-06) / experiment on dolls(07-07) / 06.Anastasia(12-03) / 07.ghost & flower(07-13) / 08.八雲/Zero(07-18) / 09.Kappa Logic 1.11(10-07)