YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: Uj3je4_Vlhc

November 2013 to March 2015

Titleinstrumental -怒- Seventh Heaven MAXION
DescriptionTitle: instrumental -怒-
[track] 06
[circle] セブンスヘブンMAXION (Seventh Heaven MAXION)
[album] 東方恋想郷~Grazing Heart~
[arrangement] kenya
[original] 霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion
(Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion)
[game] 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism
[released] 2009-08-15 (Comiket 76)

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It's been almost a year since I uploaded the first Nuclear Fusion arrangement to this channel. Even though Subterranean Animism is getting into "old touhou" territory now that Double Dealing Character has been released, Nuclear Fusion arrangements usually don't go unnoticed since it's one of the most awesome final boss themes.

I remember the first and only time I was able to reach Utsuho so well. I spent almost 3 hours repeating stage 5 and had Lullaby of Deserted Hell stuck in my head for days (fortunately it's one of my favorites). And then by sheer luck I managed to not get my ass kicked by Rin and making my way to stage 6. The mood was perfect, Hellfire Mantle building up for the hectic Nuclear Fusion. Needless to say, I got the beating of my life... Someday I'll try again, someday...