YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: Vb2LoX2pfaM

October 2013 to March 2015

Title東方 [Piano] Tengu's Notebook ~ Mysterious Note
DescriptionPiano Arrange on the Title Screen Theme in Touhou 9.5 - Shoot the Bullet.

Circle : Windbreaker
Artist : Windbreaker
Album : あーやややや やややぁ!
Title : 天狗の手帖 ~ Mysterious Note
HP : ???

This piano arrange is brought to you by an unknown circle called Windbreaker, at least I think that's the circle's name. This album consists of several decent piano tunes, along with some flutes to accompany the playing.

This track is relaxing, though unfortunately short but hey, that's how it rolls as piano arrangements on title screen theme's are often short and sweet. Considering that this is the first track of this album, I'd say it's the perfect way to start off the album with a calm and relaxing piano track such as this.

" The title and menu theme.
The same old piece.
However, this time I tried to give it a bit more of a
dark and retro feel, as well as a bit of youkai.
That raining noise is a youkai mystery. No, there's
nothing wrong with your monitor or speakers, so relax. "
Quoted from Touhou wiki, ZUN (also can be seen in the game's Music room)

Original :

Illustrator :
zuta :
Pixiv : ???
HP :