YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: WUJdZDM8pKk

October 2013 to March 2015

Title東方 [Piano] Reach for the Moon, Immortal Smoke 『3』
DescriptionPiano Arrange on Fujiwara no Mokou's Theme in Touhou 8 - Imperishable Night.

Circle : Assault Door
Arrangement : Cap
Piano : 猫娘。
Album : 月遊 ~ツキアソビ~
Title : 月まで届け、不死の煙

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LIVE performance :

Comiket 80 is just around the corner and many circles are preparing themselves for the big event. Unfortunately, AssaultDoor will not be attending said event as they are unable to apply for a space.

It's been a long while since I've heard an arrangement on Mokou's theme. I remember adoring this particular theme the first time I got into the Touhou scene, to the point of focusing myself into clearing my first Extra stage; IN's Extra stage (Which succeeded after multiple runs). It has been a past favorite, and that feeling still retains itself till present time.

On another note, I simply adore this circle's piano works. Cap has a tendency to include theme's which are related to the piece they are working on (such as that particular 3rd Eye and Magus Night arrangements in previous shares). Needless to say, I certainly enjoyed the little tidbits included within the song.

Illustrator(s) :
kaze :
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久留米生@ヌ-01b :
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