YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: Zmj0X52bRgs

October 2013 to March 2015

Title【東方】 History of the Moon collection
ChannelIchi Rin
DescriptionVocal and isntrumental collection of Eirin Yagokoro theme - 千年幻想郷 ~ History of the Moon ( Gensokyo Millennium ~ History of the Moon )

Track list:
1. Circle: SYNC.ART'S
Tittle: ツキヨニサラバ
2. Circle: =Neutral=
Tittle: History of the Moon
3. Circle: aquaelie
Tittle: 千年幻想郷~Hisotry of the Moon
4. Circle: EastNewSound
Tittle: 紅 6.0 Records (ver 0.1)
5. Circle: いえろ~ぜぶら
Tittle: 月の律動~Rhythm of the moon~
6. Circle: Alstroemeria Records
Tittle: 光の都
7. Circle: sound sepher
Tittle: Cruel Moon
8. Circle: 舞風
Tittle: 百鬼夜行
9. Circle: COOL&CREATE
Tittle: Help me, ERINNNNNN!!
10. Circle: IOSYS
Tittle: 行列のできるえーりん診療所
11. Circle: Knights of Round
Tittle: 千年幻想郷 (Blue Streak Mix)
12. Circle: ゆめいろ企画
Tittle: 千年幻想郷 ~ History of the Moon
13. Circle: SOUND HOLIC
Tittle: Apollo 13
14. Circle: SOUND HOLIC
Tittle: 千代の歌 夢時雨
15. Circle: SYNC.ART'S
Tittle: 遥かなる時の幻想曲
16. Circle: Unlucky Morpheus
Tittle: 魍魎の密室
17. Circle: ジェリコの法則
Tittle: Hands up on the moon
18. Circle: WAVEDRIVE
Tittle: 千年幻想郷
19. Circle: COOL&CREATE
Tittle: Help me, ERINNNNNN!! (ver.2)