ScarletDevil.orgYouTube Metadata ArchiveVideo:
Title | 【Surprise Session 101】It's Too Rainy To Go Alone, Take This Umbrella |
Channel | angelmutsumi |
Published | 2011-01-17T07:29:44.000Z |
Description | 憑いてるツいてるルーレット (Luck-Possessed Roulette) Artist: (鯛の小骨) Tainokobone Album: CASINO聖輦船 (CASINO Seirensen) Album Artist: Azure & Sands Original title: 万年置き傘にご注意を (Beware the Umbrella Left There Forever) Original Source: 東方星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object Original artist: ZUN Surprise~ I got my hand on this group album, and to be honest, I was expecting more of Touhou Jazz series from them but hey, beggars can't choose. I can't say anything else about this album, so I'd recommend everyone to get it and listen to all the tracks. Oh, don't mind Kogasa. She's just being... Kogasa. EDIT: Picture link: |