YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: b9xOSUNi8aE

October 2013 to March 2015

Title東方 Piano『Neo-Traditionalism of Japan Original Tracks』- へみぃ
DescriptionCircle : Mystic Ninth
Arranger : へみぃ
Tracks : Wiki Translate // Given Title in Booklet
- Green Sanatorium // Sanatorium in Mountain - 0:00
- Led On by a Cow to Visit Zenkou Temple // Goslings Lead the geese to water - 3:01
- Wind of Agartha // Agartha Wind - 6:17
- Izanagi Object - 8:17
- Gathering the Mysterious from All Around Japan // Mysterious Island - 11:47
Origin : ZUN's 7th Music Collection Album; Neo-Traditionalism of Japan

Artist's Homepage:

Had been meaning to share this a couple of weeks back, however I was busy preparing for Animangaki's Touhou Event.
In any case, I'm really digging the artist's piano arrangement on the original tracks for Neo-Traditionalism, particularly Track 2 (3:01) and 5 (6:17).

-- Source --
Original Title: 【東方ピアノ】伊弉諾物質 耳コピ【秘封倶楽部】

Music Score[PDF] :

All credit goes to ZUN for composition and へみぃ for the arrangement of this piece ~