YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: bh6fVkdihl4

November 2013 to March 2015

Title【東方アレンジ Folk】 Grimoire Technology - 貪欲の本質
DescriptionGreed is unstoppable.

♣ Title ..................貪欲の本質
♣ Circle ................Grimoire Technlogy
♣ Arranger ............Marly
♣ Album ...............Lost Radiance
♣ Original ..............[欲深き霊魂] - from 東方神霊廟 ~ Ten Desires
♣ Title Translation ..The essence of greed

I want to ask you something. Should I add the title into the video like in this one or should the image be blank as usual? I´m not quite sure, so I would like to ask for your opinion. Thank you!

♣ Artist 『砂雲』: