YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: cnJHAgOAqUs

October 2013 to April 2014

Title東方 Arrange #178 Ibiza Music/O-Life.JP (Pop/Chiptune/Eurobeat)
DescriptionTitle: 前のめり船長
Original: Interdimensional Voyage of a Ghostly Passenger Ship
Artist: まさみティー (MasamiT)
Circle: 東部開拓地
Album: Howling★Stars!!

We ended our last O-Life video on a bad note. Let me just say that you shouldn't take that album to heart. It was obviously just a joke surrounding the release of Fairy Wars. They will rebound into their normal style soon enough, I hope.

C78 for MasamiT didn't end there though, as we have this one. While not the traditional folk we are used to from him, it's leagues above what that travesty was.

Credit for the GIF goes to the creator of the GIF, whoever you are. The same can be said about all images I've ever used and will ever use. There, covered my ass for life.