YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: ekjh1JRzIDM

October 2013 to March 2015

Title東方 Touhou Techno/Trance 26
DescriptionSong Title: スカイルーイン
Circle:Frontier Create
Artist:Takumi Inohaya
Album:TRINITY -Trance Side-
Original: Sky Ruin

Never heard UFO themes, don't know the character, don't know Sky Ruin, don't really like this song anyways.

Thank for watching. By the way if anyone did favorite/playlist this song Send a PM to hopefully get Myonbel's wall. (Update a fan has sent Myonbel's wall to me how awesome is that!).
Myonbel's Original Comment:

Now starts the uploading of Frontier Records waited 3 album release. Trinity. TRANCE SIDE! Woosh!

Ahh, well, Takumi, a wonderful and amazing arranger. Can you believe Takumi did 3 albums (if we are being picky, 1 album with 3 sides) and in 3 different genres. That is amazing, I respect artists that can do arranges and songs in general with different genres. This trance album.. well.. I'm not going to lie to you, I am KINDA dissapointed, but its decent, it has some uploadable songs.. but I somehow was waiting for something more.. EPIC and SUPERIOR. Takumi does better Orchestra and Metal imo.. but I do respect the effort of Takumi making a trance side. Marvelous. I still recommend listening to the Trance Side of trinity. It has some very interesting songs. They are interesting and unique, one of a kind, like Takumi is.

This arrange is kinda amazing. I really didn't like Sky Ruin that much in the beginning.. but Takumi has changed my point of view of Sky Ruin. Its a perfect stage 3 song, in my opinion. Takumi did a WONDERFUL job. I always respect and like artists that can change your point of view of the original song. Takumi is indeed, one of these artists. I was kinda waiting for an arrange of Ichirin's theme tho.. but this goes well too!

Well, Ichirin. She is kinda mysterious character for me. I kinda dislike her '' BROFIST '' meme. I'm not really interested in touhou meme's, after all. Ichirin does have nice danmaku tho, I love lasers. Even curving lasers yes. I'm kinda '' opening up '' to Ichirin, she seems like an interesting character. Who knows, maybe I'm going to be a fan of her one day.

Hmmh, well, if I dont find any good albums, Trinity will be my last album for this M3 Festa & Touhou Kouroumu 5 complitation. Then I will go back to older albums and dig some stuff from 'em. So, stay tuned for more arranges from Trinity Trance Side album. And of course, this arrange is a fine addition to Lyrica Playlist~

Anyways, enjoy the video and thanks for watching!