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Video: eoBNE9VmUxA

October 2013 to March 2015

Title【東方地霊殿】 Re:Volte -⎾Forgotten Lullaby⏌ 【Ravy】
DescriptionI think I'm going to stick with this format for the title.


[Title] - Forgotten Lullaby
[Artist] - Ravy
[Circle] - Re:Volte
[Album] - Zettaflare~地ノ融核
[Track] - 8
[Release] - Comiket 76
[Original] - Lullaby of the Demonic Hell from Touhou 11 [Subterranean Animism]: Stage 5 Theme
[Website] -


I just love saying that.

Well, I don't think I have anything much to say.

Anyways, "zetta" has 3 meanings.

The first being a female name, meaning olive. According to this one site regarding the spiritual meaning of olive, and in it, they usually associate olive with olive oil. " represented all that is celestial, and therefore all the good of love and of charity... the oil is the very essence of the tree, and is as it were its soul..."
And from that, I think of Rin, whom has spirits (which I consider as souls).

Another one would be 10^21 or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. And, since I just talked about Rin, I keep thinking that's the amount of corpses/spirits and Rin has carried.

The last one is also a female name, meaning rose. Since different colored roses means different things I wasn't sure what color. That's when I thought about flare in "zettaflare." I'm not sure what colors you'd associate flare with, but the three I had in mind were white, red and orange. Then I thought it'd be red or orange, because of Rin's hair. So, I read both of them and decided that orange sounded closer.

So, an orange rose means "I desire to get to know you better."

So, basically, after just looking up all this, I think the lullaby of the demonic hell is all 10^21 souls telling their story. Some of these stories have happy parts to them, but they all have a sad part to them. Lost dreams, things being left behind, forgotten things, etc.

Eh... I think I'm making no sense here... If you understood it, congrats.

Anyways... love Lullaby of the Demonic Hell. Such a sad tune.