YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: gmguXHhFst4

October 2013 to March 2015

Title[東方 Vocal]FELT ~ All This Time
DescriptionTitle : All This Time
Artist : NAGI☆
Lyrics : NANA
Vocals : 美歌
Circle : FELT
Album : Milky Wink
Original : (By ZUN) ラストリモート
(Last Remote/Extra Stage Theme)

Lyrics ~ From who else but Kafka?

記憶の奥 たどる
手をとって 永遠の果てへ 連れ出して

Tracing through the depths of my memories
I fasten together my crumbling heart no place left to go.
Come here once again and
take my hand, take me away to the ends of eternity.

駆け出し 時が走り出す
未来を知るその術を 握り締め
明日を 見つけたの

Dashing forward I find a way to know the
future. Time races ahead and
I see tomorrow, but
I cannot hide my heart now fraught with anxiety.

かすれた声で 飛ばした 思いも
届かない無情に消えてく 心をつかめない
瞳に写した記憶 返して

My thoughts I release in a rasping voice
Disappear into an unreachable void; I cannot grasp the heart.
Return the memories I've captured in my eyes,
Believe one day in the future we'll meet again!

深く眠る 地の底で

Deep in sleep deep within the earth
Under time slowly progressing and embraced in dreams,
Stopping the second hand of the clock
A whisper comes to wake..


Advancing, tracing my memories
I release myself to the story within a working dream
and destroyed the continuation of this eternity;
No longer can illusions, dreams, or the future save us.

遠くへ消えた 未来を忘れ
君がくれた思い出ぎゅっと 誰にも渡さない
心の声を 空へ 届けて

Forgetting the future dissipating in the distance
I hold the memories you gave me close, I'll never give them up!
Let the voice of my heart reach to the sky;
I refuse the next coming eternity softly with unclean hands.

泣き叫んだ つらい 思い もう消えたいと願った
手をとって駆け出す 闇を抜けて空へ

Exhausted with loneliness
I screamed in tears, "These emotions are so painful. I just want to disappear!"
Please don't yet forgive these feelings, but
Take my hand and race ahead, escaping the darkness and into the sky!

かすれた声で 飛ばした 思いも
届かない無情に消えてく 君の手つかめない
瞳に写した記憶 返して

My thoughts I release in a rasping voice
Disappear into an unreachable void; I cannot grasp your hand.
Return the memories I've captured in my eyes,
Believe one day in the future we'll meet again!