YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: hJAr6iYKVes

November 2014 to March 2015

Title東方 Piano『Bell of Avici ~ Infinite Nightmare #6』- paprika
DescriptionCircle: Buta-Otome
Arranger: Paprika
Album: 東方猫鍵盤
Title: 遥か遠い空の声
Origin: Touhou 12.5 - Double Spoiler // Photo Theme 4

Circle's Homepage:
Album Info + SHOP:
Album Info[VGMDB]:
~ From what I've checked via the given SHOP links, it appears that the album is currently out of stock. If you wish to acquire one, perhaps you can try the "resale hope" button in toranoana (maybe D-Stage has one in stock as well?)
If pure piano work fancies you and you happen to come across a store that has this album in stock, I would certainly recommend it.

The fourth event coverage theme.
It is said that when one rings Bell of Avici (Muken Jigoku), it will bring one happiness in this life, but will drop one into the Avici, the worst level of Hell, where suffering continues unabated, in the afterlife.
This was likely the song people would be stuck hearing for the longest time, so I decided to restrain the liveliness, making it harder to get tired of it.
This truly is a non-stop hell. Muhahaha, you'll endure it as best you can!

- ZUN@MusicRoom
Sharing this piece on behalf on Asch/SpiritofKensei/SpiritofTouhou. This was back a year ago (or couple of months, give or take) when I was discussing Touhou arrangements with Asch. I inquired if he has any plans on re-promote/share the piano pieces that he had put up on his past channel. Upon further discussion, I was given the task instead due to channel suitability. So.. here it is. One of paprika's lovely piano work on one of the Double Spoiler Themes.

On an unrelated note, my parents apparently like this arrange track to the point of listening to it during work hours. That is, if the loud volume coming from their room is of any indication.

~ R2 // Pixiv -

All credit goes to ZUN for composition and paprika for the arrangement of this piece ~