YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: iPPi0HH3IcI

October 2013 to March 2015

Title[東方 Progressive Piano] Touhou ~ やくさいながし
DescriptionTitle : やくさいながし
Artist : koutaq
Circle : Sensitive Heart
Album : Fallusion - 風神小紀行-
Original : (By ZUN) 厄神様の通り道 ~ Dark Road
The Road of the Misfortune God ~ Dark Road

Image Link as requested

The song starts ominously for the first 10 seconds, and from there until up around 30 seconds gave me the feeling of falling down a dark hole. Besides that feeling, it's almost like I was playing Final Fantasy X when the song starts picking up around 1:10, because I could picture this song as an alternate choice to the Via Purifico, or some other stage.
Other then that, this would be a perfect song just to listen to while walking or relaxing in the snow at night sipping on a warm mug of tea.. damn I'm starting to sound old.. Enjoy~