YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: kx0F8jMbYMU

October 2013 to March 2015

TitleDissidia: Final Fantasy Extra OST - FFIX - Dark Messenger
DescriptionAnother of the soundtracks unlockable via the PP shop after the defeat of Chaos.

Dissidia Final Fantasy, a fighter game for the PSP portraying a hero and a villain from Final Fantasy 1 through 10, including 2 guest characters, from FFXI and FFXII.

This has not been remixed, its the original, played in the fight against Trance Kuja, enjoy this awesome Boss Battle theme ^_^

For a download link to the whole album or any other songs associated with this one please PM me, PM, NOT A COMMENT, comments regarding this matter will be deleted.

All music and rights are reserved to Square Enix.