YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: lgN2ODXjql4

October 2013 to March 2015

Titleササラヤ - 午前三時の舞踏会 ~Is this a Dream or Reality?~
ChannelAdauchi S.
DescriptionThis is not the usual U.N. Owen was her? remix that I upload every once in a while. I still love it though and it's amazing.
This is a remix of the song 魔術師メリー (Mary the Magician) that can be found on ZUN's album 蓮台野夜行 (Ghostly Field Club)

I decided to use the portrait of Maryberry Hearn, since this song is dedicated to her. If this character seems new to you, it's because you're not digging deep enough in all of what Touhou is!

Track Title: 午前三時の舞踏会 ~Is this a Dream or Reality?~
Original Title: 魔術師メリー
Group: ササラヤ
Album: Floatia
Release date: 2005-05-01
Where it was released: Japan.