ScarletDevil.orgYouTube Metadata ArchiveVideo:
Title | 東方 [Piano] Septette for the Dead Princess 『3』 |
Channel | kkcwkoh |
Published | 2009-12-10T17:59:26.000Z |
Description | Piano Arrange on Remilia Scarlet's Theme in Touhou 6 - Embodiment of Scarlet Devil Circle : でんしほたる Artists : 朝比奈 Album : 東方緑恐竜 Title : 姉妹がピアノ連弾するようです Let's just say I was blown off by the very first track of this album (this), however the rest of the tracks are a let down.... Could be just me though.. Remilia's theme has always been a favorite of mine. It fits the atmosphere of the battle perfectly, like a ''this is it!!'' feeling while reflecting her personality as well like an elegant vampire. Very classy I'll say. Gotta love the feeling the artist put into this arrange. Also the fast playing at around 1:37 was magnificent, just lovely. Link to image : |