ScarletDevil.orgYouTube Metadata ArchiveVideo:
Title | 東方DP a story i want to tell // Marly |
Channel | DistantPhantasm |
Published | 2011-09-13T04:41:35.000Z |
Description | Arranger ... Marly Circle ........ Grimoire Technology Title ........... a story i want to tell Original ..... Theme of Eastern Story Source ...... Akyu's Untouched Score vol.5 HP .. YT .. "A theme that always reappears. It ties up the series. But does everyone know its origin? Having stumbled upon it by accident, I was immediately overwhelmed by nostalgia. Looking back in retrospective, you can say that Touhou is more than a gaming series. Its a culture. Touhou connects its fans all over the world together, creating an immense and loving community. A thing that should be set as goal for many other companies/organizations/initiatives etc. One thing that ZUN managed to create in this 15 years of his life was a bond between us. A bond that connects us. A bond that ties us up. A bond that show us the many facets of uncountable personality in this world. Some may say that I´m weird for liking an eastern gaming series that has any further connection to my country or my social environment. But I can say that I´m part of a culture that is worth it. Definitely." Illustration by JQ3C273 Distant Phantasm? |