ScarletDevil.orgYouTube Metadata ArchiveVideo:
Title | 東方 [Piano] Youkai Girl at the Gate |
Channel | kkcwkoh |
Published | 2011-04-20T11:31:31.000Z |
Description | Piano Arrange on Kyouko Kasodani's Theme in Touhou 13 - Ten Desires. Circle : 光と闇の協奏曲 Artist : 朋夜 (Tomoya) - Title : 門前の妖怪小娘のエチュード MP3 + Music Score [PDF] : HP : Original : This arrange possess a certain chaotic and evil vibe, similar to that of Tomoya's Voile arrange ( ). I certainly do love it ~ Kasodani Kyouko is a Yamabiko, a youkai that embodies mountain echoes, and also possess the power to reflect sound waves. Also to say, she's a recent newcomer to Myouren Temple (Hijiri's group); responsible for cleaning duties and dealing with trespassers. ..The power to reflect sound waves eh? Apparently she is also capable of reflecting bullet, and due to that, it certainly made the battle against her rather interesting. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kyouko Kasodani's theme. Do people still shout "Yahoo" when they do to the mountains? Or do you feel nervous all of a sudden and can't find the courage to shout? Well of course the Echoes (Yamabiko) get bored, it's understandable for them to go in to Buddhism from the boredom. By the way, if you shout "Bakayaro"(Idiot) when you go to the sea, the fishermen would be surprised. -- ZUN@MusicRoom -------------------------------------------------------------------- Illustrator(s) : 千歳 : Pixiv : CircleK : Pixiv : |