YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: qmwWdV_wQX0

November 2013 to March 2015

Title【Vocal Session 107】Heartfelt Cabaret Club, Hell District
Descriptionようこそ、浮かばれぬ者達よ ~The 3rd eye~

English title: Welcome, Restless Souls ~The 3rd Eye~
Artist: yohine, 溝口ゆうま (vocals: ENKU)
Album: 東方楼蘭 - Touhou Rouran
Album artist: Innocent Key
Original title: 少女さとり ~ 3rd eye
Original source: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism
Original artist: ZUN

Wouldn't it be awesome to go to a cabaret club somewhere in the streets of former Hell, where Satori performs this song onstage in glittering dress? Okay, I better stop before some people start wolf-whistling.

P/S: this uploader holds no responsibility for anyone getting lost in the underground while looking for the said cabaret club.

UPDATE: link for picture can be accessed here: