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Video: qrXmzpXNNpU

October 2013 to March 2015

Title【東方 Vocal】 CREST ~ La Fleur En Cage
DescriptionTitle : La Fleur En Cage
Artist : JeetSingh
Lyrics : Lyn-A,朧彦
Vocals : Lyn-A
Circle : CREST
Album : 螺旋衒操 ~Dolls of Independence~
Original : (By ZUN) 不思議の国のアリス
(Alice in Wonderland)

I hope you guys have been bulking up on your french studies, because this one is the first non-english, non-Japanese Touhou song that I've ever heard in French. I know right? Just amazing stuff from CREST as usual.
Interesting note, just so you know, this isn't the only French song on the album, it's just the first of two, which I'll upload in my spare time.

In case you haven't been studying hard at French at all, or just plain don't know the language, I've typed out the lyrics below, which you can read and enjoy, translated of course, enjoy~

Prend garde à cette fleur
Femme dont les desseins effleurent
Et qui te fascine
Gare à ton coeur
Enivré par son odeur
Il chavire et en oublie que ses épines
Au poison subtil
Entaillent ton âme
Et son tissu fragile

Take care of this flower
Woman whose brush designs
And fascinates you
Station to your heart
Intoxicated by the smell
It capsized and forgets that its thorns
In subtle poison
Cut into your soul
And fragile tissue

Sa chevelure d'or
Ondule et frémit comme un
Feuillage d'automne
Sa voix te porte
Vers des paysages éphémères
Mais d'un coup la vision s'abîme
Emporte avec elle les feuilles des cîmes
Tout doucement le sortilège passe
Et les souvenirs s'effacent
S'estompe la trace d'un bonheur fugace

Her golden hair
Waves and quivers like a
Fall Foliage
His voice carries you
Landscapes to ephemera
But once the vision deteriorates
Carries with it the leaves of the peaks
Slowly the spell passes
And the memories fade
Blurred the trace of a fleeting happiness

Danse entre les dunes
Sous le regard beinveillant de la lune
Ma silhouette aux formes secrètes
Te dévisage

Dance between the dunes
Under the gaze of the moon beinveillant
My silhouette shapes secret
you stare

Errantes vos vies nocturnes Comme des pétales échappent aux vents d'infortune
Marionnettes guidées en cachette
Sur le rivage

As nocturnal wandering your lives outside of the petals to the winds of misfortune
Puppets secretly guided
On the shore

L'ombre de ma cage

The shadow of my cage

Danse entre les dunes
Sous le regard beinveillant de la lune
Nos silhouettes se reflètent
Sur son visage

Dance between the dunes
Under the gaze of the moon beinveillant
Our silhouettes are reflected
On his face

Par chance nos vies nocturnes
Comme des pétales s'échappent aux vents de Neptune
Marionnettes guidées en cachette
Jusqu'à ma cage

Luckily our lives at night
Like petals escape the winds of Neptune
Puppets secretly guided
Until my cage

Mon amour
Je suis la
Fleur en cage..

My love
Meet me
I am the
Flower Cage..