ScarletDevil.orgYouTube Metadata ArchiveVideo:
Title | 【東方Vocal】【5150】 Just keep your heart |
Channel | HoshiNoInaba |
Published | 2014-07-01T12:52:47.000Z |
Description | ☆ 曲名 / Title: Just keep your heart ☆ 原曲 / Original by ZUN: 東方輝針城 ~ Double Dealing Character 輝く針の小人族 ~ Little Princess Inchlings of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess ☆ 歌 / Vocal: みーや ~ Miiya ☆ 作詞 / Lyrics: 龍5150 ☆ 編曲 / Arrangement: 龍5150 ☆ サークル / Circle: 5150 ☆ アルバム / Album: (Reitaisai 11) シンフォニック東方ガールズサイドⅡ- Symphonic Touhou Girl's Side II ☆ HP: ☆ イラスト / Illustration: BoboMaster (Pixiv ID 2686423) / bobomaster (Danbooru) It's pretty amazing that all the songs on this album have the same female vocalist, but somehow manage not to all sound the same. みーや has great range! I'm starting to regret not buying this album when I saw it the one time.. |