YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: thtfZiY3i94

July 2014 to December 2014

Description☆ 曲名 / Title: 『燕』 / 『Swallow』

☆ 原曲 / Original by ZUN:
東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom
広有射怪鳥事 ~ Till When?
Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird ~ Till When?

☆ 歌 / Vocal: ぽっきぃ ~ Pocky
☆ 作詞 / Lyrics: そえ ~ Soe
☆ 編曲 / Arrangement: そえ ~ Soe
☆ サークル / Circle: あらいぐまファクトリー / Raccoon Factory
☆ アルバム / Album: (Reitaisai 11) 富嶽百景 -Fugaku Hyakkei-
☆ HP:

☆ イラスト / Illustration: Rain Lan (Pixiv ID 2922722) / rain_lan (Danbooru)

It's been a while! I'm in Japan on holiday now, so I thought I'd share some of my recent acquisitions. It takes all of my self-control not to blow all my money on Touhou CDs in Melonbooks or wherever.. I just want to stay in the Touhou sections forever.

Edit: Thank you all for the welcome - glad to be back! I would respond in the comments but I refuse to buy into the Google+ thing. -.-