YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: urQZf9BYlhk

October 2013 to March 2015

Title東方 [Piano] Night Sakura of Dead Spirits
DescriptionPiano Arrange on the Stage 1 Theme in Touhou 13 - Ten Desires.

Artist : Jespa
Title : 死霊の盆踊り桜

Original :

The beginning of an adventure ~
There's no doubt about that, this track certainly stood out the most among the other tracks in TD's Demo. The overall track is gorgeous and the feeling it emits is certainly befitting of the Netherworld itself. Needless to say, I fell in love with the track as soon as it started (Love at first note?).

Jespa's piano arrangement on this theme is magnificent as well. Also to say, many thanks to KokkurisanEX for finding / sharing this beautiful piece.

Hmm, speaking of arrangements, I do recommend checking out the other arrangement of this theme, if you haven't :
After's take on the theme itself is glorious. I highly recommend checking it out as well as 二上 幽 (below).

Props to XDTOXD for sharing this enchanting piece ~

The first stage theme.

It's been a while since we last went to the nether world.
Since this time, the theme concerns both the PCB world and the UFO world, the nether world had to be there.
It sounds melodious, but I made it rhythmical so that I won't forget that it's a first stage song.
-- ZUN@MusicRoom

Illustrator :
A_Karte :
HP :

MP3 :