ScarletDevil.orgYouTube Metadata ArchiveVideo:
Title | 【東方Vocal】【Rococo】 らめしや |
Channel | HoshiNoInaba |
Published | 2011-09-27T05:13:56.000Z |
Description | First time I've heard of this circle, and it looks like it's their first album as well. Interesting style and voice! The vocal tracks of this album all give me the feeling I should be using traditional art somehow. Enjoy! ☆ 曲名 / Title: らめしや ☆ 原曲 / Original by ZUN: 東方星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object 万年置き傘にご注意を Beware the Umbrella Left There Forever ☆ 歌 / Vocals: 藻屑 ~ Mokuzu ☆ 作詞 / Lyrics: UnBoTJil ☆ 編曲 / Arrangement: UnBoTJil ☆ サークル / Circle: Rococo ☆ アルバム / Album: (C80) 東方鏡鳴歌 ☆ HP: ☆ イラスト / Illustration: tsuizi (Danbooru) |