YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: vfjtfrzYPi4

October 2013 to March 2015

Title[東方 Piano/Guitar] ~ 東方妖恋談
DescriptionTitle : 東方妖恋談
Artist : バンビ, 2段階右折の人
Circle : Forest306
Album : 東方阿漕宴
Original : (By ZUN) 東方妖恋談
(Mystic Oriental Love Consultation)

Caryn, and Ivan, since you helped me out so much, this song is dedicated to you guys. Enjoy~

This is an old song that has been long overdue to my standards, but never was uploaded since I couldn't find a good time or picture to use. I decided to upload this song this time of year because as I'm sitting at home in my living room, it's windy, and rainy outside my window, and found that listening to this song makes the somber weather outside not so bad.
Since this song is from Forest306, guitar comes standard in it, but this song in particular is special, because it was a piano guitar duet, which is always a beautiful combination.