YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: y0rWpPAputE

June 2014 to March 2015

Title【東方 14.3】Impossible Spell Card - Itemless Capture Collection 1 - Day 1 ~ 5
DescriptionTouhou 14.3 - Danmaku Amanojaku ~ Impossible Spell Card
Koh's Itemless Capture Collection from Day 1 ~ 5

Player: kkcwkoh

Itemless Capture Rules:
- No using tools
- Equipped sub-item must boost tools efficiency, rather than the player (no dolls, camera, tanuki statue, etc).

More info on ISC:

Order of Itemless Capture:
Day 1 - Scene 2 ~ 6
Day 2 - Scene 2, 3, 6
Day 3 - Scene 2, 4, 6
Day 4 - Scene 1, 7
Day 5 - Scene 1, 6 ~ 8

This is basically a collection of spellcards which I have managed to captured without using Seija's "cheat" tools. There are actually more spellcards which can be captured without using tools within Day 2 ~ 5, however they are too hard and tricky for my current danmaku skills (I'm still trying though!!). Of course, there are also some which are impossible to do an itemless capture, such as Scene 5 in Day 4 and Scene 2 in Day 5 (unless you're crazy good).

At the current moment, I'm currently on Day 7 for this itemless capture run.