YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: zNtnkRhEuww

November 2013 to March 2015

TitleSession 015 ~ Inter-Boundary Travel Agency
arrangement: 椎名治美
circle: (information unavailable)
album: Time Limit~Eternity~
original title: 天空のグリニッジ (Greenwich in the Sky; alternative title: Royal Greenwich Observatory)
source: 大空魔術 ~ Magical Astronomy

"A long time ago, when the world seemed much smaller, and the lands were still untamed, when there was no GPS, no compass, no chronometer at their disposal, in those days, the only thing sailors had to depend on in their voyages was light from the stars. As the wind blew on the sails, they used the guiding starlight to take them anywhere they wanted.

Anywhere at all."

[Yakumo Yukari, Variant Youyoumu]

I am aware that someone's already uploaded this song here, but I thought I could do a bit of variation by doing what Comrade Chaos has been doing in every video he uploaded (although I have to admit I suck at making up lengthy, if not amazing, speech). The thing is, this song got me hooked up to ZUN's original works (by original, I refer to songs that don't belong to any of his games) in general, and the original version of this song specifically.

Regarding Renko and Maribel, what else can I say about these two? They're outsiders who are interested in Gensokyo, are the best of friends, have awesome hats (I know somewhere out there, there's bound to be someone who wants to touch Renko's fedora =p), one of them has connection with a certain purple parasol lady *hinthint*, has a whole album dedicated to them (read the translation of Magical Astronomy). Also, the alternative title is correct as printed in the booklet, though in my opinion people will refer to Greenwich in the Sky more often.

On unrelated note, I would have titled this video "STRAM - Strange Travellers Renko And Maribel" but I thought that sounded somewhat silly.